Q and A

Q: Can items be returned?
A: We do offer a 30 day return policy upon arrival of your item. (the start date is determined from time of delivery as stated by carrier tracking) If a return is granted, item must first be returned in same condition as received. The full refund will then be given upon delivery of return item to our store.

Q: Is there a restock fee on returns?
A: No, there will not be a restock fee charged for any returned items.

Q: Are there any items not returnable?
A: Yes, quality control items are not returnable, they are sold AS IS. This will be noted in their descriptions.

Q: If I need more information on a product, including additional pictures, can I get them?
A: Yes, just contact us @ info@thehobbytable.com with the request.

Q: Are autographed items obtained by The Hobby Table done in Person?
A: Some items will be. These items will have in their specifications listed as “NEW” Any autographs we do not get in person are obtained through other trusted licensed businesses through their in-person signings or from their inventory. These will be listed as USED. Any other autographed items we get through private individuals, listed as pre-owned, will be checked by a third-party authentication service such as JSA or Beckett

Q: Do you offer send in service for any signings available through The Hobby Table?
A: Yes. When we attend any conventions, we will at times offer send in or pre-sale options. These can be found in out “Consignment Pre-Sales” page link.

Q: Are autographed items all you sell?
A: No, we try to provide items in all aspects of hobbies. Our site builds on a regular basis as items become available.


If any questions you may have are not listed here, feel free to send it to us at info@thehobbytable.com and we will get an answer back to you